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metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)


The BBC is pressing ahead with plans to utilise new facial coding technology – revealing viewers’ subconscious “emotional attachment” to programmes – after running successful trials.

Developed by a British start-up, CrowdEmotion, the technology uses cameras to record individuals’ expressions and actions.

Facial movements are recorded on a second-by-second basis and the results are divided into six possible emotions: sadness, puzzlement, happiness, fear, rejection and surprise.

The cameras allow researchers to measure the often subconscious responses people have to visual content. 

CrowdEmotion is working with the Insight division of BBC Worldwide, the corporation’s commercial wing, on projects which could be used to help the BBC gauge how viewers react to particular programmes.

A pilot experiment, measuring 5,000 people’s conscious and subconscious emotional responses to marketing campaigns on the BBC.com website – from clients including HSBC – has proved a success, BBC Worldwide said.

The BBC wanted to discover if audiences would respond more positively to content which was clearly labelled as originating from a commercial brand. 


Facial coding showed a 77 per cent increase in “explicit positivity” towards the brand’s advertising and a 14 per cent increase in “subconscious positivity” when it was clearly marked as sponsored content.

The BBC’s advertising division said the technology “enabled us to find out the emotional response of each person and how they truly felt about the content they were viewing, rather than just relying on traditional analytics such as dwell time and page views”.



04 Mar Posted by: Steve Andreas in: Articles
Recently I watched a workshop presentation of our forgiveness pattern. Overall it was an excellent presentation, and one thing caught my notice: the presenter used scaling on the problem state, resentment. “On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most intense resentment you have ever felt, how resentful are you now?” Initially I thought, “Oh that’s interesting, I never thought of doing that.” But over the next few weeks I had a nagging feeling that maybe it wasn’t actually such a good idea. This led me to think in much more depth about how scaling works, and when it’s useful and when it isn’t.

Some therapeutic approaches make regular use of “scaling” as a way to monitor changes in the intensity of a client’s feeling response, in order to track the usefulness of interventions. This is particularly true in Solution Focused Therapy, and in EMDR where the scale is known as a SUDS scale, an acronym for “subjective units of distress.” Scaling is most often used for unpleasant responses, but it can also be used for feedback about progress toward a positive outcome. “On a scale of 0-10, where 10 is the happiest you have ever been, how would you rate the way you feel right now?”

What’s not widely recognized is that scaling isn’t just a way to get feedback about interventions. It is actually a substantial intervention in itself, because scaling elicits a number of specific predictable changes in the client’s experience.

Many clients start out focusing exclusively on their present feelings without reference to other times and places, creating a kind of “tunnel vision,” in which their problem state occupies all their attention. This narrow focus often leads them to think of their problems in absolute digital terms, as something they are in—a “depression,” a “trap,” a “stuck state,” etc. that they would like to be out of.

When an experience is thought of as being a digital either/or, that implies that it would be very difficult to make the huge change to the opposite polarity, for instance from depression to happiness. When the problem experience is located on an analog scale, it is easier to think about making smaller changes along that scale, say from a 10 to a 9.

A conversational way to reply to a client who is thinking about their situation in a digital way is to say sincerely, “OK, how depressed (or trapped or stuck, etc.) are you right now?” The word “how” changes the absolute either/or into a comparison with other similar experiences, creating an analog continuum that presupposes different degrees of depression (or being trapped or stuck). The same thing happens when a client is asked to locate their present feeling somewhere on a scale of 0-10. Even if they rate it as a 10 at the end of the scale, that places it in relation to other experiences on the analog scale, creating a more balanced perspective.

A scale also requires the client to make simultaneous comparisons between different experiences. “Well this one was bad, but this other one was worse, and this other one wasn’t quite as bad.” While it is possible to make a simultaneous comparison in the auditory or kinesthetic modalities, it is much easier to do this with visual images. So even when the scale is not explicitly described visually as a horizontal scale or a vertical ladder, there is a strong likelihood that a client will spontaneously represent their kinesthetic feeling state as a visual image. When a kinesthetic feeling is represented as a visual image, that reduces the felt emotional response, making it less overwhelming, and easier to change.

When you visualize two (or more) experiences on a scale simultaneously, you become an observer of both, making it even harder to be immersed in either one. This creates some distance between the client and the problem state, sometimes called “self-distancing,” “externalization,” or “becoming more objective.” (NLP has traditionally called this “dissociation” but that term has many troublesome connotations in psychiatry, so I have turned to other more descriptive words.)

Seeing two images at the same time also usually reduces the size of the mental image of the present state, because generally the two images have to fit into the same space as a single image. This smaller size further reduces the emotional response, and this makes the problem appear easier to resolve.

Scaling can also be used as a basis for adjusting the location of a problem on the scale. “If you were to be at a 5, rather than a 6, how would your experience be different?” “What would it take for you to change from a 10 to a 9?” Scaling is particularly useful in something like pain control, or physical tension, in which the goal is simply to reduce a troublesome sensation.

So to summarize, what seems like a simple question for gathering information is actually a substantial intervention that changes a client’s experience in a number of ways, and sets the stage for further interventions.

This morning was chilly, with a beautiful fresh snowfall. My wife said, “It’s 7:45,” using a time scale. But she could as easily have said, “It’s 66” if she was commenting on the temperature, or “4” to indicate the depth of the snow in inches. Each of these responses can be useful, depending on the context. The time might be most important if we have a morning appointment, the temperature if I need to build a fire, the depth of snow if we’re concerned about driving somewhere. Whenever we quantify one aspect of an experience, that reduces it to a number on a single continuum, a huge oversimplification that ignores all the other aspects. Numbers are great for allocating people to airplane seats, but that inevitably ignores all their individual differences, and this can create problems.

In therapy, focusing on a “scale of 0 to 10” for a given feeling directs attention to its intensity, and away from qualitative aspects that may be more important. For instance the forgiveness pattern does result in resentment being reduced. However that’s not all it does. Much more significant is that it replaces resentment with a completely different feeling response, forgiveness. Using scaling for resentment continues to focus the client’s attention on the resentment, diverting attention from the possibility of having a qualitatively different response. While this may not prevent a client from benefitting from the forgiveness process, it certainly doesn’t support the change. Ideally every aspect of our interventions support each other in reaching an outcome.


If your goal is to simply elicit an analog change in the intensity of a response, as with pain, stress or tension, then it’s useful and appropriate to use scaling, which presupposes that a change in intensity is what matters.

But if your goal is to elicit a digital change in response—such as from anger to forgiveness, anxiety to confidence, grief/loss to a sense of presence, etc.—then scaling is not appropriate, and could even interfere with the process you are using.

If you’re not sure whether a quantitative or qualitative change is appropriate for a particular problem or outcome, you can combine these two approaches, which is what Connirae and I did many years ago when we were developing the Eye Movement Integration process. We asked clients to report any difference in the intensity of a feeling, and also asked them to report any qualitative changes in the content of the image, the submodality process elements (color, brightness, distance, etc.) or any changes in the kind of feeling.

7 Responses

  1. Nick Kemp

    05|Mar|2016 1

    I use scaling a lot when working with clients who have anxiety issues, along with a lot of fractionation. My strategy is to show the client how they can create and maintain their own personal control over their own states. All sessions are recorded so everything “is on the record” for the client to listen back to from a 3rd position. This has proved to be exceptionally effective and a recent international athlete was able to achieve her lifetime best track time after a client session using this approach!

  2. Bob Janes

    05|Mar|2016 2

    A few random thoughts on scaling after reading this.

    + I don’t like setting the ‘most resentful’ at the ten end. “Let’s put this on a scale, if we put your most resentful down here at zero, what goes up here at 10?”

    + Going off the scale can be useful: “OK so if 10 is the happiest you’ve ever been, I’m curious, what would 11 or 12 be like? What would you have to do for that to happen?”

    + ‘Physical’ scaling works too. I have clients work with ‘projects’ on a time-line facing into the future: “Hey, that looks a bit big, just to make it easier here, how about we shrink it down so that you can clearly see all of it?” accompanied with a downward movement of both hands to allow the client to look down at the project in front of them.

  3. Bruce Teall

    06|Mar|2016 3

    Steve — This is a wonderful example of you taking something that is often taken for granted and then analyzing the heck out of it! I totally agree that scaling questions can be very useful, and also that it is important to be mindful of the way in which they are used and to what purpose.

    As you mentioned, Solution-Focused Therapies use scaling questions, and I think often as an intervention. They can be very useful in breaking up all-or-nothing thinking. As an example, this can be done by asking “On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is having completely achieved your goal, how much progress have you made so far?” In this way you accomplish a few of things. First, by asking a scaled question instead a yes/no question you are offering a range of evaluations instead of “yes I’ve achieved my goal” or “no I haven’t achieved my goal.” Second, the way the scale is set up you are leading the client to be aware of their progress, no matter how small, instead of how much they haven’t achieved. Third, once they answer you are set up to help them explore realistic next steps in the process by asking, “So you are currently 4/10, what would let you know you were at 5/10?”
    Thanks for a thought-provoking article.

  4. Nick Kemp

    06|Mar|2016 4

    PS I would regularly ask clients “So what makes this a 5 as opposed to a 6?” The paying attention to the analogue differences in my experiences allows the client a better opportunity to identify and have better insight into these distinctions. Also it’s at the heart of The Provocative Change Works model whose purpose is to empower the client into affirming what is useful!

  5. Nick Kemp

    07|Mar|2016 5

    I do very simple relaxations with clients relaxing from 5 – 0. It then occurred to me also I could suggest a minus scale. This works surprisingly well as clients don’t expect it. I also like to add in the suggestion of “counting on and counting in whatever number is appropriate in future times”



  6. Mike

    07|Mar|2016 6

    Steve, it is such a pleasure to read your analysis of anything. I fondly remember joining you for breakfast before your 3-day seminar about Scope and Category in Austin. Now when I read your words, there is a deeply compassionate voice to go with them. Your posts always leave me at an 11 (on a scale of one to ten).

    Mike Brown

  7. Kris Hallbom

    08|Mar|2016 7

    Great article Steve. Tim and I couldn’t agree with you more. I use scaling for pain and stress when working with clients. However, I have never used it for anger, forgiveness, grief and so on. It never even occurred to me to use scaling for those type of issues, it doesn’t make sense for all the reasons you listed. Thank you for writing such a thought provoking and well written article.

Настольная игра.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Ах какой хитрец! Нарисовал графическую подсказку к логическим правилам вывода :)
А я всего-то имел в виду ту решетку, которую придумал ЛК для фиксации разнообразия вариантов начальных условий и вывода.
Я имел в виду именно игру ЛГ. А что такое "игра"? Это раскладывание фишек по элементам решетки/квадратикам. Типа настольной игры.
Хм, неожиданная мысль.
Наша цель - снять с разговоров об осознанности флер эзотерики и поговорить об осознанности как о качестве, которое жизненно необходимо каждому жителю нашей планеты - и взрослым, и детям.
Осознанность дана каждому жителю нашей планеты врождённая.
Но, некоторые жители нашей планеты в результате получения определённого образования заметным образом меняют пространственный баланс нервных процессов центральной нервной системы:
Теменные доли
Функции, выполняемые теменными долями, отличаются для доминирующей и недоминирующей сторон.
Доминирующая сторона (обычно левая) отвечает за способность понимать устройство целого через соотнесение его частей (их порядок, структуру) и за наше умение складывать части в целое. Это относится к самым разным вещам. Например, для чтения необходимо уметь складывать буквы в слова и слова во фразы. То же с цифрами и числами. Эта же доля позволяет осваивать последовательность связанных движений, необходимых для достижения определенного результата (расстройство этой функции называется апраксией). Например, неспособность больного самостоятельно одеваться, часто отмечаемая у пациентов с болезнью Альцгеймера, вызвана не нарушениями координации, а забыванием движений, необходимых для достижения определенной цели.
Доминантная сторона также отвечает за ощущение своего тела: за различение его правой и левой частей, за знание об отношении отдельной части к целому.
Недоминантная сторона (обычно правая) – это центр, который, комбинируя информацию, поступающую из затылочных долей, обеспечивает трехмерное восприятие окружающего мира. Нарушение этой области коры приводит к зрительной агнозии – неспособности распознавать предметы, лица, окружающий пейзаж. Поскольку зрительная информация обрабатывается в мозге отдельно от информации, поступающей от других органов чувств, у больного в некоторых случаях есть возможность компенсировать проблемы зрительного распознавания. Например, пациент, не узнавший близкого человека в лицо, может узнать его по голосу при разговоре. Эта сторона также участвует в пространственной ориентации индивида: доминантная теменная доля отвечает за внутреннее пространство тела, а недоминантная за узнавание объектов внешнего пространства и за определение расстояния до этих объектов и между ними.
Обе теменные доли участвуют в восприятии тепла, холода и боли.

В результате указанные выше некоторые жители планеты в качестве компенсации своих односторонних свойств нуждаются в «повышенной осознанности».

Сенсация: шимпанзе в Африке придумали какого-то бога и ему молятся


Это действительно сенсация. Впервые ученые увидели зарождение религии не у людей, а у животных! А именно — группа шимпанзе в Африке без какого-либо смысла принялась строить пирамидки из камней в пустых стволах старых деревьев. Видеокамеры зафиксировали, как это происходит. Старые самцы подходят к «святому» месту, с громким криком кидают в пустой ствол дерева очередной камень, и с благоговением удаляются. Что самое поразительное, после того, как они положат камень, шимпанзе несколько секунд раскачиваются из стороны в сторону, делая совершенно несвойственные им движения. Такое впечатление, что они молятся или медитируют. Об этом пишет журнал Scientific Reports. Ученые считают, что шимпанзе придумали себе какую-то религию, символом ее сделали кучки камней, а пустые стволы старых деревьев стали прото-храмами.

В самом деле, крупные и красивые камни — видимо, самые древние «храмы» человечества. Люди до сих пор поклоняются отдельным камням, например, Синему камню на окраине Переславля Залесского. А в античности, согласно свидетельствам древних авторов, таких культовых камней было множество. Их украшали венками и поливали маслом. Кучки камней были святыми, запретными местами практически по всех религиях, например, у нас на Севере. Считается, что каждый камень в куче — это душа предка. Ученые считают, что и шимпанзе кидают камень в кучу тогда, когда умирает их сородич.

Религия считается главным отличием человека от животного. Классическая антропология говорит, что животные бросают своих покойных и не проявляют к ним интереса. Появление погребений ученые считают важнейшим признаком превращение животного в человека. Но в случае с шимпанзе мы видим даже не погребения (то, что обезьяны скорбят по своим покойным, было известно и ранее), а настоящие культовые места.


Таким образом, религия свойственна не только людям, но и животным. Наверняка в сознании шимпанзе, которые строят пирамидки из камней, есть представление о неких духах, есть имена этих духов, а значит, есть место для абстрактных понятий очень высокого уровня. Не исключено, что у шимпанзе может даже зародиться наука (хотя ранняя религия и ранняя наука — это практически одно и то же).

Что же случилось, ученые раньше просто не замечали религии у животных? Или в наше время по непонятным причинам вдруг началось быстрое развитие ума у обезьян? Скорее первое — открытие стало возможным благодаря мощным видеокамерам, работающим автономно, а это — недавнее изобретение.

Система отличий тех и других типов сигналов по форме и функции описана здесь;
я её свёл в таблицу:

После первоначального ажиотажа, когда эту категорию сигналов хотели найти везде и всюду, естественным образом пошла противоположная волна скепсиса. С одной стороны, она подстёгивалась крахом очень сильных надежд найти их у антропоидов и другими последствиями третьего, самого лукавого вида антропоморфизма — антропоморфизма противопоставления.

Между прочим, языкоиды, в различных формах их проявления, есть, например, так называемые "окна овертона":

Окно овертона

Окно Овертона

Ранее в метапрактике мы уже рассматривали Окна Овертона в координатах другой метапрактиковой модели: Ценностных Иерархий:

Лестница Овертона - Колчанова


Ну, и это после нашей кинестетической модели языка???? :)
А я всё разъясню и докажу актуальность такого сочетания :)

Дочитали до конца.