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Re: Issue #1

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metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

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Dr. Peter A. Levine received his PhD in medical biophysics from the University of California in Berkeley and also holds a doctorate in psychology from International University. He has worked in the field of stress and trauma for over 40 years and is the developer of Somatic Experiencing. Peter’s original contribution to the field of Body-Psychotherapy was honored in 2010 when he received the Lifetime Achievement award from the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP). That same year he also received the honorary Reis Davis Chair in Child Psychiatry for his innovative contribution to therapy for children and adolescents.
Peter has been stress consultant for NASA in the development of the first Space Shuttle. He was a member of the Institute of World Affairs Task Force with “Psychologists for Social Responsibility” and served on the APA initiative for Response to Large Scale Disaster and Ethno-Political Warfare.
Peter is the author of the best selling book Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma — which was published in 24 languages and sold over 250,000 copies — as well as four audio learning series for Sounds True including the book/CD, Healing Trauma: a Pioneering Program in Restoring the Wisdom of Our Bodies and Sexual Healing, Transforming the Sacred Wound. He is the co-author of Trauma through a Child’s Eyes: Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healingand Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: A Parents Guide for Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience. He recently released with Maggie Phillips the book/CD Freedom from Pain: Discover Your Body's Power to Overcome Physical Pain.
Dr. Levine’s most recent book, his magnum opus, In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, is receiving international praise.
SE™ Trauma Institute
Dawson Church EFT

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Dawson Church, PhD,  is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes, (www.YourGeniusGene.com) has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (www.NIIH.org) to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals.

 He is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal (www.EnergyPsychologyJournal.org), a blogger for the Huffington Post, and a reviewer for the APA’s Mental Health Mobile Phone Application Review Database.

 He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe (www.EFTUniverse.com), one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.

Dr. Bruce Lipton

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.
Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell behavior. An experimental tissue transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering.
In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.
Dr. Lipton has also been a pioneer in applying the principles of quantum physics to the field of cellular biology. Traditional cell biology focuses on physical molecules that control biology. Dr. Lipton on the other hand focuses on the mechanisms through which energy in the form of our beliefs can affect our biology, including our genetic code.
Steve Roehm is a Certified Master Trainer, for the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) and a world-renowned Conversational Hypnosis Master Trainer, and NLP Master Practitioner. Additionally, Steven is a Master Hypnotherapist, Certified Life Coach, Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Certified Weight Release Coach.
For over a decade, Steve’s work has changed the lives of thousands of people and practitioners around the globe. Steve’s work is endorsed by the IACT, the IAPCH, and Master Trainer Igor Ledochowski. His primary goal is to continue growing an international network of Certified Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists to help people achieve the positive change they want in their life, as quickly, and as easily as possible utilizing hypnosis.
Personal development is not Steven’s job; it is his passion and his art. Steven uses every resource available in the subconscious cache to create the opportunity for you and your clients to attain specific unique outcomes. Steven’s love of learning and quest for knowledge is a life-long pursuit.

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