metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
This distinction is, again in my perceptions, one of the differentiators that has allowed NLP to spread like wildfire from its origins in the behavior (modeling, principally) of two strange creatures (BANDLER and GRINDER) who wandered about the Santa Cruz mountains in various altered states pursuing a dimly glimpsed but radical possibility that has more than exceeded their original intentions in its diffusion in the world.
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.,Volume 1Richard Bandler, John Grinder 1975
Structure of Magic 1 : A Book About Language and Therapy (Structure of Magic) Июнь 1975
Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change (Book 2) Август 1975
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Vol. 2 1977
Frogs Into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming Июнь 1979
Первое явное использование "четвертой позиции восприятия" произошло в процедуре Мета Зеркала (Дилтс, 1988, 1990, 1992), разработанного Робертом Дилтсом как результат серии семинаров " Синтаксис Поведения", которые он провел вместе с Джоном Гриндером в 1988 г.
MorphologicPattern - МultipleСyclePattern (модель МР-MCP)
I am in possession of the translation of an interview recently published by the french school PNL REPERE in which Robert DILTS makes a number of points which have stimulated my interest and to which I wish to respond. Over the years, I have noted, sometimes with amusement, sometimes with annoyance and most frequently a mixture of both, the re-writing of the history of NLP. Typically, this is done by people who were not present at the origins and initial discoveries of the principle patterns of NLP and have no idea about the events that they pretend to comment on. Such behavior may be due to ignorance or with fraudulent intent: it is often difficult to determine which. However when someone as well-known and who is as well-positioned to know something about what actually occurred as Mr. DILTS is attempts to re-write NLP history, the amusement I might otherwise experience quickly dissipates. I have no question about Mr. DILTS' intelligence - thus ignorance is ruled out. Some of his statements in this interview do raise questions about other aspects of his behavior and the intentions behind them.
metanymous в Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
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