With any data-gathering approach, consider how participants invoke ideas,practices, and accounts from both the larger and local cultures of which theyare a part. Keep in mind that they may not simply borrow from these culturesor reproduce them; rather, they may make innovations as they adapt them toserve their immediate purposes. Similarly, as researchers, we adapt languageand meanings as we record data; data are never entirely raw. Recording dataalone confers interpretations of them because we place a conceptual frame onthem through our use of language and understandings about the world.Scrutinizing how you collect data and which data you obtain helps to locatethem. Such scrutiny also helps you when coding and categorizing because youwill be able to place your emerging analysis in its social context. Then you canmake more precise comparisons when coding data. By studying your methods,you will improve both your methodological skills and the quality of your data.Subsequently, your scrutiny may lead you to realize later that collecting anotherkind of data with a different method may answer questions in your emerginganalysis. For large projects such as theses, you might use two or more datagatheringapproaches. For a major funded research project, multi-method andmulti-site approaches often prove to be useful. If you construct a research proposalthat builds in possibilities for pursuing data in several settings, you have theflexibility later on to use or develop methods that address emergent questions.In the interim, we next move on to begin the analytic phase of our groundedtheory journey, through coding our early data.(с.40)Даётся такое мягкое разрешение выбирать свои методы сбора данных, ежели того требуют данные.
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