
Re: (6) McGoldrick, T., Begum, M. & Brown, K.W. (2008). EMDR and olfactory reference syndr 

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Olfactory Reference Syndrome Test
Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS) is an obsessive, irrational fear that one is emitting a foul or unpleasant odor. The OCD Center of Los Angeles offers this free and confidential test to help you get a better idea of whether or not you are exhibiting signs of Olfactory Reference Syndrome. Simply check those items that apply to you, and email the test to us using the simple form below. While this questionnaire is not meant to replace a thorough evaluation, it may help in identifying traits of Olfactory Reference Syndrome.
1. I frequently worry about the way I smell.
2. I frequently check my odor by smelling self.
3. I excessively perform basic grooming activities (i.e., showering, brushing teeth, changing underwear, changing socks, etc.) in an attempt to control my odor.
4. I frequently use perfume, deodorants, mouthwash, and/or special hygiene products to control or camouflage my odor.
5. I often attempt to hide my odor by maintaining certain body positions, and/or by staying in places where I believe my odor will be less noticeable by others (i.e., a remote corner in a theatre or restaurant).
6. I often stand at a distance when around others because I am concerned that they will detect my odor.
7. I avoid certain places and/or activities (i.e., restaurants, parties, weddings, socializing with friends, going shopping, etc.) because I am concerned that others will detect my odor.
8. I avoid exercising because I am afraid it will cause me to have a bad odor.
9. I avoid certain foods in an attempt to control how I smell.
10. I often smell others’ odor for comparison.
11. I sometimes discuss my odor with other people.
12. I often ask others for reassurance about my odor.
13. I have consulted with specialists (i.e. doctors, dentists) regarding my odor.
14. I have undergone special medical or dental procedures in an attempt to correct my odor.
15. I am planning or hoping to have odor-related medical or dental procedures in the future.
16. I am often late for activities because I am doings certain behaviors in an attempt to control my odor or I am worrying about my odor.
17. I am often very anxious when I fear my odor will be smelled by others.
18. I often believe others notice my odor and/or are thinking negative thoughts about the way I smell.
19. I sometimes think others are discussing or commenting on my odor.
20. I am significantly distressed, anxious, and/or depressed about my odor.
21. My concerns about my odor are interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.
22. My concerns about my odor are interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.
23. I spend hours per day thinking about my odor.