18 Perceptual FiltersIt is often stated in NLP that we have Perceptual Filters. These are responsible for filtering the incoming information about the world. As a metaphoric description this is an interesting one, as a process description it is the exact opposite of what happens. Our nervous system works on thresholds and news of a difference. We learn to become sensitive to particular stimuli and so actively select what we let through – the exact opposite of a filter whose active response is to hold things back. What could hold a perception back and what happens to all the rubbish in the filter?
Вот здесь lidenskap_frost поднимал вопрос "фильтров восприятия": http://metapractice.livejournal.com/503411.htmlВ целом мы бы скорее согласились с его мыслью о том, что в человеке едва ли можно указать на какие-то нейрологические структуры, исполняющие именно роль "фильтров". Но иногда всё же можно. Например, фрейдовские системы вытеснения/замещения информации.