
За тридцать лет: ни феномена, ни паттерна, ни модели 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The swish pattern is a rapid way to change any troublesome habit or other unwanted response, so it has a very wide range of applications. The swish was developed by Richard Bandler in the early 1980’s, and was first published in Using Your Brain for a Change (chapter 9) in 1985, over 30 years ago. Connirae and I taught it and used it extensively over the next couple of years. During this time we accumulated a lot of experience of when it didn’t work, or only partially worked, and we had to figure out what we needed to do to correct that. In Change Your Mind—and keep the Change (chapter 3) we included many additional details, including how to design a swish in the auditory modality. A case example, with follow-up, appeared in our later book, Heart of the Mind (chapter 17). We also produced a video on the swish in the early 1980’s, including two demonstrations, one of the standard size/brightness swish with nail-biting, and also an auditory “designer” swish with a woman who went “ballistic” when her daughter used a particular tone of voice. These sources provide a rich description of all the different essential elements in the process, the principles underlying each element, and specific examples of how to make the pattern work.
Swish опубликован 30 лет назад. И за 30 лет ни Андреасы, ни сам Бандлер не удосужились обозначить самую главную фишку этой терапевтической техники – обозначить что есть первичный феномен, который лежит в основе техники.
И ключевой паттерн не описали.
И модель Swish-а не сформулировали.
Вот, такой вот 30-ти летний бэкграунд, который в результате служит источником ошибок практиков.

феномен, паттерн, модель, методика, техника, шаблон, упражнение...