

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

There is a way to assist in natural healing that I have used for years, that automatically “kicks in” whenever I am injured or sick. Initially my internal “film clip” of falling, and the resulting soreness and pain, was very vivid in my mind, along with the present pain and soreness — and I had no image at all of healing. So the first thing I did was reduce the vividness of this onset image by making it dimmer, smaller, faded, colorless, and farther away. This reduced its prominence in my mind, and diminished the possibility of it continuing to elicit thoughts of being damaged, what is sometimes called “retraumatization.”
Ретравматизация первичных образов/клипов травмы за счет субмодальной редакции образов. Какая простая и эффективная идея. Это стиль терапии Стива – простота, лаконичность и крайняя эффективность.