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metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

However, I think the video clip of Diana Fosha below is much more interesting than most, and offers rich examples of nonverbal communication that illustrates some very important principles. I learned a lot from going it over carefully — and repeatedly.
To sensitize yourself to Diana’s nonverbal gestures even more, first watch the 3-minute clip with the sound off, and then with the sound on. Particularly notice how she punctuates each word or phrase with her head movements, and notice how distinct her hand gestures are. They don’t simply flail around in space, or repeat the same gestures over and over; they congruently amplify and clarify what she is talking about. My words can only point out aspects of her nonverbal behavior — observing the behavior itself is what is useful. I strongly encourage you to watch the clip before reading further — find out how much you can observe and learn before reading my comments.

Акцентирование сказанного движениями головы. Раз.
Аналоговое "усиление" движениями руки различных значений и смыслов. Два.
И все.
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