

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The other main way to reduce overwhelm is to put some distance between you and those mental events. For instance, if you are inside a large bright colorful loud movie of the events that you are attending to, your strong feelings will occupy much of your attention, and that will make it very difficult to deal with the events themselves. When you allow all that to recede until it is at a comfortable distance from you (for instance on a TV across the room) your images will be smaller, and your feelings will become less intense, giving you more attention to devote to whatever needs to be done. You can quickly scan though the movie and determine which events are relevant, and which can be ignored, at least temporarily. That will make it easier to focus on one aspect of the movie at a time, dividing the problem into smaller parts that will be easier to resolve.
One client who complained of overwhelm truly “had a lot on his mind.” He had six simultaneous color movies, each with blaring sound, as if they were on the inside of a little planetarium dome inside his mind. With all that going on internally, it was impossible for him to focus on any part of it, and he also had little attention left for external events in the moment.
I suggested that he first allow all six movies to slow down somewhat as they receded to a more comfortable distance. When he could see all six movies at a distance, I suggested that he scan them all quickly, and decide which one was most important to focus on at the moment.
Then I suggested that one movie could come somewhat closer to him so that he could see it more clearly, while the other five became silent as they transformed from colorful movies to black and white still images. Those black and white images became icons that indicated the overall content of those other movies, serving as reminders, so that he could easily return to any of them when that was appropriate.