

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

. . . That’s the cautionary news. The good news comes from a study by Barbel Knauper and her colleagues who found that using mental imagery boosted the benefit of implementation intentions for students attempting to increase their fruit consumption over seven days. Rather than merely forming an if-then plan, such as ‘If I see orange juice at lunch, then I will buy it,’ they also imagined themselves performing this act, with as much sensory detail as possible. A promising result, and the researchers expressed their surprise that no-one had thought to investigate the combination of these two strategies before.
Нашли, что сочетание содержания двух визуальных стратегий имеет эффект синергии - более чем двойную от их простого сложения эффективность - чистые техники. Т.е. это не исследования, а работа над техниками. Дизайн техник - как называл это Джон Гриндер.
This result comes as no surprise to anyone with even basic training in NLP. Imagining “themselves performing this act, with as much sensory detail as possible” has been a standard and essential part of rehearsing or “future-pacing” any behavioral change. And if done well, an “impulsive” person will often “impulsively” choose what has been rehearsed. (See my blog post, Programming yourself now to remember later.)

Ну вот, сами об этом же и пишут. Результат сложения визуальных стратегий есть тривиальный.
This study does not report any checking for objecting parts and satisfying them before a final future-pace, so presumably their results would have been even stronger if they had done that.
Да еще и примитивная техника без экологической проверки. Брррр.
Nonverbal rapport and empathy. Research on “mirror neurons” has established a neurological basis for nonverbal mirroring of gestures and movements, ...

По зеркальным нейронам уже пишут книги. А вот, по исследованию двигательных паттернов невербального раппорта - нет ничего нового. И в данном исследовании нет. Но, вы можете мне не верить, пойти по ссылке и найти нечто новое о невербальном раппорте. Держу пари.
...the foundation for the nonverbal rapport that has been a key feature of NLP trainings since the 1970s, as well as for compassion, and “stepping into someone else’s shoes.” Recent research in this area distinguishes between neurons that only fire when someone moves accidentally, or with deliberate intent, showing that the perception of intent (which has also been a major intervention in NLP for over 30 years) has an inherent neurological basis.
Вот именно, открытие зеркальных нейронов подвело формальную нейрологическую базу под феномен невербального раппорта. Но, пока ни одной новой модели, нет техник и т.п.
Negative reframing. Susan Clancy’s research on people who had experienced childhood sexual abuse...
... finds that surprisingly, the vast majority of them were not traumatized by it, and that of those who were, some were not traumatized at the time, but only years later when it was reframed as a horrible experience as a result of listening to the opinions of others who presupposed that it would have life-long harmful effects. So some of what is called PTSD is not an echo of the experience itself, but a result of evaluating the experience after the fact — sometimes years later.

Сексуальное насилие в детстве. "И твое влагалише может схватить любой член и за некоторое время превратить его в жалко свисающую тряпку, ПОЛУЧАЯ ПРИ ЭТОМ ЗАПРЕТНОЕ УДОВОЛЬСТВИЕ". Это Эрисон за много много лет до "открытий" Susan Clancy, которая тупо в него даже не заглядывала.