

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

In rich countries, temptation is never far and many of us struggle to achieve our long-term aims of moderation, dedication and fidelity. An increasingly popular strategy for regaining control is to form so-called implementation intentions. Rather than having the vague goal to eat less or exercise more, you spell out when, where and how you will perform a given activity. For example, ‘When in the cafeteria at lunch I will buy orange juice rather than cola.’ A more specific variant is to form an ‘if-then’ plan, as in ‘If it is a Tuesday morning, then I will go for a run.’
Предписание занятиями физическими упражнениями типа для "фокусировки себя на целях" - это техники и терапия.
Исследования в духе эффективности "если-то" плана выполнены за полвека у Эриксона.
Past research has found these plans to be successful, helping people to live more healthily. There’s even evidence that they are particularly beneficial to those who have had their willpower compromised by brain damage or by taxing laboratory tasks. Two new studies add to this literature, one of them cautionary, the other more hopeful.
Все это не просто скопировано - ЭТО СОДРАНО ИЗ РАБОТ ЭРИСОНА, который проводил лабораторные исследования эффективности таких внушений/методик/техник.