

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Ayduk and Kross contrast two alternative ways of working through highly emotional experiences. A self-immersed perspective is one in which we try to remember the experience at the same time that we try to analyze it — for example, when we say to ourselves, ‘Why did that prejudiced comment get to me so much?’ By contrast, a self-distanced perspective analyzes the same experience as if you yourself were a third-party observer, a kind of fly on the wall — ‘Why did that prejudiced comment get to him so much?’ In both cases, you are trying to understand the emotions, but when you do this in the first person, the pull of the emotion can overwhelm understanding.
В этом месте указывается не на исследования НЛП, а на обычные описания техник. Ну, м.б. с некоторым в них "научным" углублением. Но, последнее слишком сомнительно.
It seems amazing that a small change in the way one analyzes a painful experience (using s/he as opposed to I) can lead to such dramatic results, but the research on this is solid and clear. In one study, people who were prompted to recall a negative experience from a self-distanced perspective (why did s/he feel this way?) in the lab felt less distressed about the experience one week later compared to those who recalled a similarly negative experience from a self-immersed perspective (why did I feel this way?). In other studies, people who spontaneously self-distance have been shown to ruminate less about negative experiences and are less likely to be hostile when disagreements come up.
И здесь, по-сути, описаны техники, частично/полностью перенесенные в лабораторный контекст. При этом, нет никакой уверенности, что при переходе в лабораторию "исследователи" сохраняют нужный контроль над задействованными пресупозциями ("воронкой" пресуппозиций).
Timelines. In research by Prof. Dov Shmotkin of Tel Aviv University Department of Psychology in Israel, ...

...“We discovered that overcoming trauma was related to how people organized the memory of their trauma on the larger time continuum of their life course.” In a study of Holocaust survivors, Prof. Shmotkin separated these survivors into those who considered the “Holocaust as past” and those who conceived of the “Holocaust as present.” Those in the ‘Holocaust as past” category were able to draw an effective line between the present day and the past trauma, thus allowing themselves to move forward. Those in the “Holocaust as present” category considered their traumatic experience as still existing, which indicated a difficulty in containing the trauma within a specific time limit.
И в этом случае мы имеет наблюдения из разряда "техник". Это не исследования НЛП. И эээ задействование пафосной тема Холокоста ничего в этом не меняет.