
Q & A with Cesar 

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Dog behavior expert Cesar Millan answers questions about hisremarkable success with problem dogs and their owners.
What makes you the Dog Whisperer?
I was raised around dogs, and I understand the way they interact socially. My ability to relate to them is really instinctualI can see the world from the dog’s point of view.
Do you have formal training?
My grandfather taught me at an early age about how not to work against Mother Nature. Since then, my formal training has been to work with literally thousands of dogs. I’m a real-world behaviorist – I work with dogs every day, and my methods achieve results.
How are you different from most dog trainers?
Most training seeks to teach dogs how to obey commands, but this has nothing to do with dog psychology or understanding how to fulfill the needs of your dog. My technique is more about rehabilitation through exercise, discipline, and affection.
What can we expect from the show?
In every episode, you will go with me on house calls into the homes of problem dogs and their frustrated owners. You will witness the transformation of problem dogs as I rehabilitate dogs and train owners. By watching the show, you will be able to understand your dog like you have never been able to before – better for you and your dog.
Can anyone become a Dog Whisperer?
Probably to a certain extent. But it requires very specific skills, particularly when dealing with aggressive dogs. You must understand the dog’s pack mentality. I bring 20 years of experience to each situation. I recommend on the show that owners – especially ones with aggressive dogs – always consult a professional.
What do you mean by “pack mentality”?
A dog’s pack mentality is its natural way of relating to other dogs. A family unit can also be a dog’s pack. Even a single person and a dog is the dog’s pack. It is important that the human be the dominant member of the pack. This is not achieved through violence or bullying, but with calm, assertive energy. The dog isn’t threatened; it just knows its place in the pack.
How do you get dogs to change?
People humanize dogs and don’t understand their psychology as pack animals. I begin by showing the dog that I am the pack leader. I fulfill the dog’s need through exercise, which is walking the dog in the correct way. I give the dog rules, boundaries, and limitations … and then affection.
What is the most common mistake people make with dogs?
They don’t establish a leadership role. Almost all dog problems come from two things: lack of exercise and lack of leadership. Additionally, especially in America, owners tend to give affection, affection, and more affection, when what the dog really needs is exercise, discipline… and then affection.
What is the most important thing to do for your dog?
Take your dog on a 45-minute power walk every morning. BUT, you must use the proper method in walking your dog – when leaving the house, make sure you always walk out the door ahead of your dog to demonstrate who is the leader, and make sure the dog is not in front of you on the walk.
What dogs make the best family pets?
Find a dog that fits your lifestyle. Active breeds like hunting dogs and herding dogs require more physical challenges to stay physically and mentally content. It is important to match a dog’s energy to your lifestyle before making a choice.
Have you ever been bitten?
It comes with the job. But nothing severe!

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