

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Понемногу обо всем
  23. Research in NLP Steve Andreas’ NLP Blog metanymous
Synesthesias. John Bargh’s research...
... focuses on “unconscious mechanisms that underlie social perception, evaluation and preferences, and motivation and goal pursuit in realistic and complex social environments.” In one example, interviewers asked interviewees to hold a cup while they asked them questions. The only difference between the experimental and control groups was that the cup held either warm coffee or a cold drink. Those holding the warm coffee expressed more positive responses than those holding the cold drink. These experiments involve synesthesias — crossover effects between different sensory modalities — in this case transforming the perception of physical warmth into interpersonal warmth. Attention to synesthesias has long been a staple of NLP training — and it is also strong support for nonverbal unconscious factors in rapport, responsiveness, and change.

Влияние температуры чашки кофе во время интервью было АССОЦИАТИВНЫМ, а не "синестетическим". Данное "исследование" и исследованием-то назвать ни как нельзя.
Self-control and submodalities (the smaller parameters in each of the five sensory modalities).
The ability of small children to exert self-control when presented with marshmallows (If they were successful in delaying, they got two marshmallows instead of one) correlated with success later in life (age 32). When the children were asked how they were able to delay, they said that either they deliberately distracted their attention from temptation by looking somewhere else, or doing something else. Some pretended that the real marshmallow was only a flat picture of a marshmallow — an explicit submodality shift that is used in a number of NLP patterns.

Использование влияния субмодальностей на поведение маленьких детей. В режиме близком к технике. Это даже БиГи делали в изобилии. И что в этом нового?
This is only a very small sampling of current research studies that support various aspects of NLP practice and methodology, and more appear each week. There is a lot of research that supports NLP principles, but it is not identified as such. If all these studies were collected into a review article, it would provide quite impressive support. Meanwhile, a few of us continue to explore the boundaries of what we already know and can do.

Большая гора мусора не превратиться в гору алмазов. В данном обзоре нет ничего по исследованиям в области развития НЛП.
Что такое исследования, которые поддерживают типа "принципы" НЛП я боюсь себе представить.
Никаких "границ" в приведенных исследованиях совершенно точно не исследуется.