Что-то так, а кое-что не так. Только это НЕ "Философия Бэндлера" -- мы говорим о том, как люди ощущают пространство и время. Не объективно-реальном существовании пространства или времени философски, а о конкретных психологических механизмах и стратегиях мышления при работе с пространством и временем. А гипноз, получается, не эмпиричен, то есть не реален :-)?
Hypnosis and hypnotics world both are real, but they are real in other way then tis or that things. And there is a discrepancy in Bandler's way of thinking. He says about unreality of the time and uses time line in his technique. And it works, because it is real.Boris.
Oh, I doubt Richard Bandler implies what you're saying and all that philosophy about kinds of realism. He just shows that we process time by mapping it onto some space. And it doesn't matter what "real" physical relations between time and space are. That's it.
I am sorry. I just misunderstood you. I agree, we really comprehend time through mapping it into space. We discuss this question with Metanimous. Ontologically and historically first men recognize itself (I). Than goes ALL AROUND ME, i.e. HE or SHE. And only after that child or historical men recognize something there. The same happens with time ( the same siquence), but later. You are right that time is more difficult category for human comprehension then space.Yours, Boris.
It's interesting. Shift from SELF to ALL AROUND ME implies shift of personal referential index, and... animals don't do it. When a cat wants to be treated, it does not take its paw up and line it aross your back, it takes a posiition "as if that cat is treated on its back." Perceiving sequence as part of "time" is part of a perception strategy--some people have it, others have no, even it is obvious that events unfold in time sequentially!! It is suprising how these things matter and don't matter just in people's minds. Glad we figured it out. Cheers!