The cultural impact on our cognitive abilities is a common idea. It was recognized in XVIII-XIX centuries. The most significantly it can be seen in influence of our languege, because only through it and by it human inderstanding becomes possible. We think and intuite only though it. And its structure is those capadilities and limits we deals with in our understanding of the World.For many primitive people their languege, for example, has no such a categories as time and for them there is not yeateday or tomorrow, they have only now and not now. There are a lot of other examples, how languege defines and reflects human understanding of the World he lives in.Languege is dual by its relation to man. On the one hand it is internal for him and depends from him. We are creators of our languege because it exists through us and depends from our usege. On the other hand, it is external, because it is given for everybody from his born and from the very begining we get it as our only one tool of study the World. Thus, it is subjective and objective at the same time. And in it focuses all our cognitive abilities.In this sense the objective knowledge of the World is as possible as objective our languege, but it is not only objective. So...Boris.
Это, пожалуй, труднейшая задача, которую может поставить себе человек, добивающийся объективнго познания мира. Во-первых, требуемой объективации препятствуют ценностные ощущения, ставшие нашей второй натурой_______________________________________________Боря, я собственно только из-за слов Лоренца ценностные ощущения этот отрывок переписал. ЦенностныеОщущения - вот что задает клетку реальности для нас, как для того белого медведя из денверского зоопарка, из общеизвестной книги по нлп. И вся эта история про развитие нлп - это еще более гротескная иллюстрация ограничивающей силы ценностных ощущений.
You are right!And the most significantely it is seen in linguistics constructions. For example, in languages of primitive people perception of spece begans from the speaking person. There is, at first, a notion "I" and "not I". And all space consequently divided on space I (and all inside me) and all around. Later appears I, Thou. And World divides on two. Appearence of "He" means that in language appear three substances: Space inside me, space around and space somewhere else that is not visible right now.I don't know, maby I right some common (banal) thing? I just want to emphesize that Inga's study is very interesting, but it is very global and difficult, because it is about a basics of human understanding. I also want to point your attention on works of Humbolt, and especially on book of Ernst Cassirer "Philosophy of Symbolic Forms".Boris.