
Re: МифОМодели 

evgenievich в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Viewing stereograms
  Viewing stereograms metanymous
    Re: Три точки зрения на стереограммы evgenievich
1. dKV i praktika smotrienia SIRDS karinok eto obratno protivopolozhnye nevrophisiologichekie processy. dKV - vospriatie fona. SIRDS - vydelenie objecta iz fona.
2. citatata iz vashego article na insight:
The researchers then analyzed the EEG recordings to look for differences between insight and noninsight solutions in brain wave activity. The researchers found that 0.3 seconds before the subjects indicated solutions achieved through insight, there was a burst of neural activity of one particular type: high-frequency (gamma band) activity that is often thought to reflect complex cognitive processing. This activity was also mapped to the aSTG of the RH, providing compelling convergence across experiments and methods.
2.1 a vot vam citata iz abstracta "Electrophysiological correlates of a visual 3 dimensional illusion"
The subjective difference between perceiving the same stimulus as a 2-dimensional random collection of dots vs. as a coherent 3-dimensional surface has to be brought about by a corresponding difference at the level of neurophysiology. In this study, we attempted to find out how such a subjective difference is reflected in the electrophysiological responses of the brain. 10 healthy right handed adults participated in the study. EEG was digitally recorded using 20 scalp electrodes and 2 EOG electrodes.
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The results indicate that the difference at the phenomenological level between the 2D and 3D percept is reflected at the electrophysiological level as an increase of gamma (36-44Hz) activity, especially over the occipital electrode sites. No significant changes at the alpha bands were detected. The present results support the hypothesis that 40 Hz activity is associated with global and integrated perceptual states. 40 Hz activity may thus contribute to the binding of visual experience into one coherent phenomenological whole.

2.2 correliacia mezhdu processami vospiratia prostranstva i vysshimi funkciami, takikmi kak intuicia (insight) tut ochevidna.
a teper' vozvrashiaemsia k tomu zhe Castanede :)

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