
Polyocularity, coordinates of mental space, dimension reduction, and subunderstanding

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  На дессерт: Ощущения Пространства и Субмодальности dvv7
    Re: Subunderstanding (and space dimensions) dvv7
Живой пример мышления на грани между "концепциями организационной теории" и описанием (а) собственной пространственной реализации своих моделей и (б) собственного поли-окулярного взгляда -- принцип описания из нескольких позиций (Новый Код).
Интересно, осознает ли автор....

Subunderstanding (p. 473)
It often happens that a person is convinced that he/she understands others perfectly even though he/she is missing the latter's most important points, like the "blind spot", of which the person is unaware. This is called "subunderstanding". It is very frustrating for the subunderstood person because the subunderstander does not see the need to understand him/her any further. This is not because of stupidity on the part of the subunderstander, but because of the lack of coordinates in his/her mental space.
A three-dimensional phenomenon can be projected onto two-dimensional plane, and a two-dimensional phenomenon can be projected onto a one-dimensional line. These projections make shadows; the process of making these shadows is called "dimension reduction" (Maruyama 1961, 1962, 1979, 1985b).
If a dimension reduction produces an internally consistent explanation, i.e. an explanation which has no internal contradiction, then the interpreter is convinced that he/she has understood the phenomenon perfectly.
Polyocular Vision (pp. 468-469)
In binocular vision, the two images are not additive. They produce differences between the images. These differences enable the brain to compute the spatial coordinates that are invisible to both eyes. In North America, spatial coordinates are commonly called "dimensions". But in many countries, for example in France, "dimension" means "size", instead of a spatial coordinate such as the x-axis or y-axis in a graph.
...Europeans and North Americans (ENA) think that heteroeneity is the source of conflict, and homogeneity is the basis of peace. On the other hand, Malinkes (West Africa) consider homogeneity as the source of conflict and competition, while heterogeneity fosters peace and cooperation. ...Polyocularity is taken for granted among the Malinkes. ...see a situation from many different points of view. ...job specialization brought about by westernization will lock each person into one task and one function, and this prevents the person from going through other types of experiences, and makes the person incapable of seeing the situation from other persons' point of view.
Similarly, in the Japanese culture, there is no "one truth" or "objective" view. When the European concepts of "objectivity and subjectivity" had to be translated into Japanese, Japanese translators used "the guest's point of view" for the former, and "the host's point of view for the latter. In Japanese culture, the polyocular vision is cultivated implicitly in the process of growing up.
Magoroh Maruyama, 2004, Polyocular Vision or Subunderstanding?, Organization Studies, Volume 25, Issue 3, pp. 467-480.
Special issue on "Peripherial Vision"

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