Therapists. The interventions were delivered bytwo Masters of Applied Clinical Psychology studentswho had completed specialized training in both CBTand EMDR. They were supervised by a specialist clinicalpsychologist who was also an accredited trainerwith the EMDR International Association. CBT trainingwas accredited by the Australian PsychologicalSociety.Два студента прикладной клинической психологии под супервизией международной ассоциации EMDR и Австралийского Психологического Общества.Для CBT внедрили с чего-то технику Гештальта разговора с умершим родственником:The primary, non-CBT addition to theprotocol was an imaginal dialogue between the clientand the deceased, guided by the therapist and basedon Gestalt therapy principles (Daldrup et al., 1988).In this exercise, the client was encouraged to addressunresolved issues or unmet emotional needs. Forgivenessand reconciliation between themselves and thedeceased were facilitated. The therapist guided whatwas otherwise free dialogue with prompts of “I alwayswanted to ask you,” “I always wanted to tell you,” and“this is how your death impacted my life” before theclient switched roles and responded as the deceased.