
Интенсивное интервью 

eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Intensive interviewing has long been a useful data-gathering method in various types of qualitative research. ... The in-depth nature of an intensive interview fosters eliciting each participant's interpretation of his or her experience. The interviewer seeks to understand the topic and the interview participant has the
relevant experiences to shed light on it (see Fontana & Frey, 1994; Seidman, 1997). Thus, the interviewer's questions ask the participant to describe and reflect upon his or her experiences in ways that seldom occur in everyday life.
The interviewer is there to listen, to observe with sensitivity, and to encourage the person to respond. Hence, in this conversation, the participant does most of the talking.
(с. 25)
Intensive interviews allow an interviewer to:
• Go beneath the surface of the described experience(s)
• Stop to explore a statement or topic
• Request more detail or explanation
• Ask about the participant's thoughts, feelings, and actions
• Keep the participant on the subject
• Come back to an earlier point
• Restate .the participant's point to check for accuracy
• Slow or quicken the pace
• Shift the immediate topic
• Validate the participant's humanity, perspective, or action
• Use observational and social skills to further the discussion
• Respect the participant and express appreciation for participating.
Intensive qualitative interviewing fits grounded theory methods particularly well. Both grounded theory methods and intensive interviewing are open-ended yet directed, shaped yet emergent, and paced yet unrestricted.
(c. 28)