
Haley. Development of a Theory 

dmitry_thinker в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Это небольшой фрагмент из довольно обширной статьи Хейли. опубликованной в сборнике Double Bind: The Foundation of the Communicational Approach to the Family (pp. 77-79)
Статья посвящена истории проекта Бейтсона (1952-1962), была написана в основном в 1961 году.
Assuming that a relationship between two people was homeostatic in the sense that it was governed, self-corrective system, the idea began to develope in the project that the "governors" of this system were the people involved in the relationship. Just as the governor in a cybernetic system controls the range of the elements in that system, so it begun to be suggested that people in a relationship control the range of each other's behavior. This idea provided a function for the double bind which included both prticipants rather than merely the individual: the double bind could be seen as a tactic in the interchange between two people as they each attempted to gain control of the range of the system. By imposing a double bind, a person can effectively prevent another from governing what sort of relationship they will have.
This control idea was first presented in a memorandum by Haley in 1956 in an attempt to explain the peculiar behavior of the mothers of schizophrenics. This memorandum suggested that ordinarily two people work out areas of their life together where each, to the satisfaction of both, is in control of what sort of relationship they will have. "This could be called successful setting of the limits of relationship. However, they may come into conflict and settle the matter by termination of the relatioinship. Or they may become involved in a constant struggle over who is determine what type of relationship they will have, as in the schizophrenogenic situation." The peculiar mixture of domination and helplessness evident in the mother of the schizophrenic has its origin, according to this memorandum, in the fact that "The mother of the schizophrenic is not concerned with who is boss, but who is to decide who is boss, and she cannot discriminate between the two. Such a woman cannot stand anyone saying to her, 'I'm the boss.' It isn't that she can't stand being in charge, she can't stand someone else deciding who is in charge," or governing what sort of relationship there will be. As a result, if her child wants to tie his own shoes, she cannot permit this autonomy because she interprets his message as a signal that he is deciding what sort of relationship they will have, rather than deciding that shoe tieing is in his domain within a type of relationship determined by his mother. "If the child of such a mother indicates that she is (or isn't) the boss, the mother must reject this message because it means the child is deciding who is the boss." Thus whatever the child does is classified as not the sort of thing that should be done. When the mother is peculiarly sensitive to having her behavior governed by others, she will even interpret compliant behavior by the child as demanding further direction from her an so governing her behavior. The only solution for the child is to qualify whatever he does as not done in relation of mother and therefore he will not be governing her behavior. However, he will then be accused of not being responsive to mother, and so he must again respond to her only to find that is response is rejected.
The control idea was first published by Haley in 1958 in "An Interactional Explanation of Hypnosis".