
Hersey - heresy - ересь 

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Фамилия написавшего - Hersey - близко к heresy - "ересь".
heresy (n.)
"an opinion of private men different from that of the catholick and orthodox church" [Johnson], c.1200, from Old French heresie (12c.), from Latin hæresis, "school of thought, philosophical sect," used by Christian writers for "unorthodox sect or doctrine," from Greek hairesis "a taking or choosing, a choice," from haireisthai "take, seize," middle voice of hairein "to choose," of unknown origin, perhaps from PIE *ser- "to seize" (cf. Hittite šaru "booty," Welsh herw "booty").
The Greek word was used in the New Testament in reference to the Sadducees, Pharisees, and even the Christians, as sects of Judaism, but in English bibles it usually is translated sect. Meaning "religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of the Church" evolved in Late Latin in the Dark Ages. Transferred (non-religious) use from late 14c.

ересь (сущ.)
"мнение частных лиц, отличное от такового католической и православной церкви" [Джонсон], ок. 1200, от старофранцузского heresie (12в.), от латинского hæresis, "школа мысли, философская секта", используемого в христианских источниках как "не ортодоксальная секта или доктрина", от греческого hairesis "взятие или выбирание, выбор", от haireisthai "взять, завладеть", средний залог hairein "выбирать", неизвестного происхождения, возможно от праиндоевропейского *ser- "завладевать" (ср. хеттейское šaru "трофеи", вельское herw "трофеи").