
Re: ГлубиннаяРеференцияОтнсительно"Я" - ЗапакованнаяСЦ 

некто в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

1. There is nothing "strong" in that. Human spirit is not material, it is an ideal system of some ideal relations between some ideal symbols we represent our-selve and our world. And any such a system has to have a "form of representation", the way it manifests it-self.
2. The logic of existance and development of any system is thus that it has limited (this limit may include a lot, but anyway it cannot be infinit) set of possibilities or future states. Thus, the present state in some way determines all future states (not in strict deterministic meaning, but definitely there is no place for accident events)

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